Childcare Choices: Get the help that fits your family, so you can juggle work and life
Thousands of families could be saving money on their childcare costs. But some simply don’t know what support they might be eligible for. The Childcare Choices website brings together all the existing childcare offers in one place, so parents can get the help that fits their family. This could be through Tax-Free Childcare, 30 Hours Childcare, or Universal Credit Childcare. Some families might be eligible to use more than one childcare schemes together and get the most out of it.
And from next year even more help is on the way:
• From April 2024, eligible working parents in England with children aged 2 will have access to 15 hours childcare.
• From September 2024, the 15 hours childcare offer will be expanded to eligible working parents in England with children between 9 and 23 months old.
• From September 2025, eligible working parents in England with children between 9 months up to school age will have access to 30 hours childcare.

Don’t miss out on getting the support you are entitled to. Visit the Childcare Choices website to check what offer you might be eligible for and sign up to our newsletter to get the latest updates about the childcare support expansion.


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We offer funded and paid sessions.

We are currently reviewing our pricing structure following the Government's announcement about changes to Childcare support from April 2024.  Please click here for more information but please contact us for a personalised quote as we appreciate everyone's circumstances are different and we try to be as flexible as we can for families.  You can also read this blog which explains how funding will change between April 2024 and September 2025.

Many parents don’t have to pay for childcare (or at least only have to pay part of it).

The Government provide at least 15 hours free childcare during term time to parents of 2 - 4 year olds (2 year eligibility currently subject to status - please ask for more information).  Some working parents are eligible for 30 hours per week and some parents who are claiming Universal credit are eligible to have their fees paid up to £951 per month (up to 85% of your fees) or £1,630 for two or more children.  From April 2024 all children who turned 2 by 31st December will be eligible for 15 free hours for 28 weeks of the year.  From September 2024 this is being extended to all children from 9 months of age.  From September 2025 ALL children from 9 months of age will be eligible for 30 funded hours for 38 weeks of the year.  You can find out more about 2 year old funding and how it could benefit your child by watching this informative video:



If both parents are working and earn at least £120 per week then you should be eligible for 30 hours free of charge during term time. You may also be eligible to open a Tax-free childcare account.  If you are eligible the Government will add 20% to whatever you put into your account and you can pay your fees directly to us.

If you do have to pay for your childcare, or want to top up your free funding, then we offer competitive rates with discounts for 2 or more days each week.  We know everyone's circumstances are different, therefore we provide personalised quotations to our families. We have a Fees Agreement for parents which you can read here.  Invoices are sent through the Famly App before the start of each month and it is important fees are paid on time to avoid late payment charges.

Visit the Childcare Choices website to check what you are entitled to.

You can also contact either of our settings, to speak about funding and fees.